220044 Private William Gordon Candlish
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
6th Battalion, Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
killed in action 24th August 1917
aged 24
Tyne Cot Memorial
Glasgow Academy Memorial
Ranfurly Church Memorial, Bridge of Weir
Son of James Candlish and Mary McGill Lennox
Benvue, Bridge of Weir
6th Battalion, Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
killed in action 24th August 1917
aged 24
Tyne Cot Memorial
Glasgow Academy Memorial
Ranfurly Church Memorial, Bridge of Weir
Son of James Candlish and Mary McGill Lennox
Benvue, Bridge of Weir
His Life
William Gordon Candlish was born on 3rd September 1892 in Cora House, East King Street, Helensburgh, 30 minutes after his twin James. Their parents were James Candlish, a cashier from Glasgow and Mary McGill Lennox, from Duntocher, Dunbartonshire who had married in Glasgow on 11th December 1891.
In 1901 James (47), Mary (34), and their three children James, William and Mary were living in 185 Clyde Street East, Helensburgh. The family had a domestic servant, Margaret Ferguson (21) from North Uist. James was by then a grain merchant.
By 1911, the family had moved to an 8-roomed apartment in 21 Queensborough Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow. James senior was a corn factor, James junior was an accountant's clerk, William (18) a shipping clerk, and Mary at school. They employed a domestic servant Jane Smith (20) from Mossend, Lanarkshire.
The family moved to Benvue, Bridge of Weir, probably in 1912. The house had been previously occupied by James's brother George, a measurer, and his family who emigrated to Canada in 1912. George appears to have sold the house to his brother James.
William enlisted at Stirling into the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, service number 202751, but he later joined the Cameron Highlanders. His Medal Index Card does not record when he first joined the theatre of war but he was not awarded the 1914-15 Star.
The 6th Camerons came under orders of 45th Brigade, 15th (Scottish) Division. In August 1917, the Division was in XIX Corps in Gough's 5th Army engaged in Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele). William had survived the opening few weeks at Pilkem and Langemarck, but was killed on 24th August 1917 in subsequent operations between Vampir and Beck House. His name is recorded on the Tyne Cot Memorial, one of four memorials to the missing in the Ypres Salient.

The field of battle where William Candlish fell. The 6th Cameron Highlanders had advanced to attack Beck House and Borry Farm. On the night of the 23/24 August 1917 the battalion retired from Low Farm to Cambridge Trench. William was killed on the 24th in that area.
1901 Census | 1911 Census | Birthplace | ||
Name | Age | Name | Age | |
James | 8 | James | 18 | Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire |
William G | 8 | William | 18 | Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire |
Mary G | 4 | May | 14 | Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire |
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Scottish National War Memorial
- UK, Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-1919 [as William G Candish].Hayward & Son, Suffolk, 1988
- Wasted Journey, The Buddies who never came back. Paisley Library. 940.467; PC17430: O/S
- William Gordon Candlish birth certificate, 3rd Sept 1892. Regd. Row, Dunbartonshire 21st Sept 1892.
- 1885 Valuation Roll: VR114/49/238. Benvue: Proprietrix Sarah Robertson Steel, wife of George Candlish tenant
- 1901 UK Census: Parish: Row; ED:1; Page:2; Sch:13; Roll: CSSCT1901_175.
- 1905 Valuation Roll: VR114/49/238. Benvue: Proprietor and Occupier George Candlish
- 1911 UK Census: Parish: Hyndland. Ward: Kelvinside: Page 3; lines 22-27. 644/12 023/00 003.
- 1915 Valuation Roll: VR114/91/583. Benvue: Proprietor Mary M. L. wife of James Candlish, corn factor, Occupier
- War Diary: 6th Cameron Highlanders. 1 Apr 1917 - 31 Aug 1917. WO95/1945/3. National Archives.
- 18 August 1917: ERIE CAMP: Companies at the disposal of Company Commanders. Casualties to H. 1 O.R.: 2/Lt A. PICKETT, 2/Lt J. CAMERON, 2/Lt W. EDGAR, 2/Lt S.C. CAMPBELL joined for duties.
- 19 August 1917: Church Parades. Attack Practice. Casualties Nil.
- 20 August 1917: Battalion completing with fighting kit (S.A.A. Bombs etc) Casualties:- To Hosp. 3 ORs.
6.30 p.m. Marched to Camp S.W. of YPRES (H-18-a-2-y Belgium 28 NW 1/20,000) (Appendix 4)- 21 August 1917: H-18-a-2-y: Final inspection before advancing to attack position. Casualties Nil.
- 22 August 1917: CAMBRIDGE TR. 1.30 a.m. Battalion marched to position in Reserve in CAMBRIDGE TRENCH Area. 2/Lieut. W.W.H. SOWREY joined for duty. (Appendix 5).
WILDE WOOD: 2.30 p.m. Moved forward to BILL COTTAGE - WILDE WOOD area.
LOW FARM: 9 p.m. Advanced from WILDE WOOD to assault position opposite BECK HOUSE and BORRY FARM, to attack BECK and BORRY. ZERO HOUR 12 m.n.
12 m.n. Advanced to assault. Encountered heavy rifle and M.G. fire. Found position untenable. Witrhdrew & dug in 100 yds E. of LOW FARM.- 23 August 1917: LOW FARM: Improved our position.
- 23/24 August 1917: CAMBRIDGE TR. Night. Relieved by 2 Coys 12th H.L.I. Went back to Cambridge Trench area (Appendix 5).
- 24,25,26 August 1917: Still occupying CAMBRIDGE TRENCH area. Made splinter proof shelters for whole Battalion. Capt I. MACKAY, 2/Lt J. MORRISON, 2/Lt A.R. MACDONALD joined for duty....
- 29/30 August 1917: ...Casualties for spell:- 22nd/29th:
Capt R.D. WYLIE. Killed in Action 23rd; Lieut D.G. MACPHERSON wounded in action 23rd; 2/Lt A. SNADDON wounded in action 23rd; 2/Lt J. CAMERON to Hosp. Gas. N.Y.D. 25th; 2/Lt A. HARVEY to Hosp. Gas. 29th; O.R.s 112 killed wounded missing. To Hosp 22 OR; From Hosp 7 OR; Draft of 68 OR received 26th.
- 18 August 1917: ERIE CAMP: Companies at the disposal of Company Commanders. Casualties to H. 1 O.R.: 2/Lt A. PICKETT, 2/Lt J. CAMERON, 2/Lt W. EDGAR, 2/Lt S.C. CAMPBELL joined for duties.
- Medals: Victory, British War.
TO CITE THIS PAGE: MLA style: "Bridge of Weir Memorial". Date of viewing.