3160 Private James Hamilton Kerr Pollock
15th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry
killed in action 15th July 1917
aged 21
Coxyde Military Cemetery
St Machar's Church Memorial, Bridge of Weir
Son of James Pollock and Elizabeth Kerr
Maxwell Terrace, Bridge of Weir
killed in action 15th July 1917
aged 21
Coxyde Military Cemetery
St Machar's Church Memorial, Bridge of Weir
Son of James Pollock and Elizabeth Kerr
Maxwell Terrace, Bridge of Weir
His Life
James Hamilton Kerr Pollock was born on 22nd February 1896 at Gryffe Place, Bridge of Weir, the second of a family of three born to James Pollock, a gardener from Paisley and Elizabeth Kerr, from Kilwinning, Ayrshire, who had married in Kilwinning on 27th December 1894.
In 1901 James (32), Elizabeth (32), and three of their children Robert, James (5) and Bessie were still living in Gryffe Place, Bridge of Weir.
In 1911, the Pollock family was living in two rooms in Cooperative Terrace, off Main Street, Bridge of Weir, later to be named Maxwell Terrace. Robert was an assistant dispensing chemist and James (15) was a railway clerk. Elizabeth's father Robert Kerr, a widower and retired forester was living with them, as was a lodger, Paul Elder (19) from Glasgow, an apprentice baker.

He was enlisted into the 15th Battalion of the Highland Light Infantry, raised originally from volunteers from Glasgow Corporation Tramways Department. It came under orders of the 14th Brigade, 32nd Division.
Private Pollock's Medal Index Card does not record when he first joined the theatre of war but he was not awarded the 1914 -15 Star. He was killed in action on 15th July 1917. Earlier that year the 32nd Division had pursued the Germans on their retreat to the highly fortified Hindenburg Line. They then took over part of the front line at Nieuport in Belgium near the English Channel. On the night of the 14/15th July 1917, the 15th H.L.I. were ordered to recapture a section of trench at NOSE TRENCH that had been lost a few nights earlier. James was one of 200 casualties that night, the victim of heavy machine gun and artillery fire rained down on the attackers. He is buried in Coxyde Military Cemetery, near Neiuwpoort (the new spelling convention).
1901 Census | 1911 Census | Birthplace | ||
Name | Age | Name | Age | |
Robert | 6 | Robert | 16 | Bridge of Weir |
James | 5 | James | 15 | Bridge of Weir |
Bessie | 18 mo | Bridge of Weir |
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- Scottish National War Memorial
- Wasted Journey, The Buddies who never came back. Paisley Library. 940.467; PC17430: O/S
- James Pollock birth certificate, 22nd February 1896: Kilbarchan, Renfrew. Regd. 27th Feb 1896.
- 1901 UK Census: Parish: Kilbarchan; ED:3; Page:17; Line:8; Roll: CSSCT1901_188.
- 1911 UK Census: Parish: Kilbarchan; Ward: Bridge of Weir. Page 8; lines 3-8. 559/0B 002/00 008.
- War Diary. 15th Highland Light Infantry, June 1917-July 1917. WO/95/2393/4. National Archives.
- NIEUPORT (RIBAILLEY CAMP) 11th July 1917: Lieut TAYLOR was sent as liaison officer to the 97th Bde. who are holding the line, and of whom this battalion had been called up in support. The enemy had attacked the division (1st) on our left, and our left Brigade (97th). He had driven the 1st Division to relinquish their hold on the E bank of the YSER; our Brigade being driven back by the onslaught of the attack had counter-attacked and regained all the positions with the exception of a small portion on the extreme left. The battalion spent the day preparing to go into the line. It went up at 10 p.m. to relieve the 17th H.L.I. in the support positions at NIEUPORT (GRAND REDAN. defence of the YSER bridges)
- LINE. 12th July 1917: Bn in the line in support to 5/6th ROYAL SCOTS. The day was quieter. During the night 11/12th enemy heavily bombarded our positions with H.E., Shrapnel and gas shells (lethal and lachrymatory). [struck out]An infantry attack was launched but completely broke down under under our barrage without reaching our lines.[end of strike-out] Weather dull and showery. Lieut. Col. BUTCHER, Capt. & Adj. D.J. NICOL wounded.
- 13th July 1917: Bn in the line in support positions. Enemy artillery was again very active, especially from 6.45 p.m. to 7.15 p.m. and from 9.10 p.m. until 11 p.m. During the latter period a heavy barrage was laid on our lines and all the YSER bridges destroyed several times. All telephone wires were repeatedly broken. Lethal and lachrymatory gas was very much used by the enemy. 2/Lieut MICHIE slightly wounded. Weather wet.
- 14th July 1917: Bn in the line, support positions. After a pretty quiet day the battalion received orders to recapture the position lost by the 97th Brigade on the night of 10/11th. Preparations were made accordingly and the jumping position taped out by Major CLEGHORN. Major RAMSDEN, M.C. 1st Bn SOUTH WALES BORDERERS took command of the battalion.
- 15th July 1917: Bn in the line. Companies were all in position by 12.40 a.m. Zero was fixed for 1.15 a.m. and at that time an intense barrage was placed on the objective. Cos. moved forward close to it, 'B' Co on the right, 'C' Co in the centre, 'D' Co on the left, 'A' Co in reserve, for carrying. Enemy resistance in the form of machine gun fire was very heavy and we soon had numerous casualties. The barrage moved on and 'B' Co entered its objective partly, the other two companies being held up by an intense artillery and machine gun barrage. Coys established posts as far forward as possible and consolidated. All lines of communication were broken and messages were late in arriving. The situation was quieter at 4 a.m. 'A' Co. moved up on the right in support of 'B' Co. Casualties were 200 including 2/Lieut MICHIE (killed), Capt WATT, 2/Lieut WALKER, MACQUEEN and DONALDSON (wounded).
- Appendix 17-Battalion Orders: Total Casualties for Month: Killed and died of wounds: Officers 1, Other Ranks 39. Wounded: Officers 8, Other Ranks 188. Missing: Officers -, Other Ranks 43.
- NIEUPORT (RIBAILLEY CAMP) 11th July 1917: Lieut TAYLOR was sent as liaison officer to the 97th Bde. who are holding the line, and of whom this battalion had been called up in support. The enemy had attacked the division (1st) on our left, and our left Brigade (97th). He had driven the 1st Division to relinquish their hold on the E bank of the YSER; our Brigade being driven back by the onslaught of the attack had counter-attacked and regained all the positions with the exception of a small portion on the extreme left. The battalion spent the day preparing to go into the line. It went up at 10 p.m. to relieve the 17th H.L.I. in the support positions at NIEUPORT (GRAND REDAN. defence of the YSER bridges)
- Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette
- 13th March 1915: Enlisted, James H Pollock, Co-operative Terrace. (1st Glasgow) H.L.I.
- 27th November 1915: Enlisted Robert Pollock, Maxwell Terrace, has joined the Motor Section, Lovat Scouts.
- St Machar's Church of Scotland Death and Interment Register:
o Pollock, James Hamilton Kerr; Private 15th H.L.I.; Maxwell Terrace; Killed in Action 15 July 1917; aged 21. - Medals: Victory, British War.
TO CITE THIS PAGE: MLA style: "Bridge of Weir Memorial". Date of viewing.